Display Advertising Information
Copy Deadline is 5:00 p.m. Thursday.
Deadline for digital ads is Thursday, 5 p.m.
By Phone:
Call your local Yorktown PennySaver office for reliable,
professional assistance with your advertising needs.
Yorktown: 914 962-3871
Monday - Thursday 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM
Friday 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
By Email
Send information to ads@pennysaver.net
General Policy
Standard composition and layout are included in rates. All rates are net. Additional camera work, typesetting and art services are subject to extra charges at $35.00 per hour. Ads ordered but not used will be charged at $35.00 per hour (art charge). Ads with reverses or screens in excess of 25% of the ad's area are surcharged 25%, total reverses are surcharged 50%. Major proof changes will be charged $35.00 per hour (minimum charge $35.00). Proof deadline is Wednesday.
The publisher reserves the right to refuse, cancel or alter any advertisement at any time.
Three days notice is required for cancellation of cover. Failure to comply will result in charge of difference between full page price and cover price.
Position Reservations
Front cover, back cover, inside front cover, inside back cover, center spread, page 3 and following pages may be reserved. These positions are made available to contract advertisers first (with priority given to 52 time contract holders, then 26 time, then 13 time, and finally 6 time contract holders), and non-contract advertisers on an "if available" basis. Preferred positions of inside front cover, inside back cover, center spread, and page 4 and following pages are 10% extra. Page 3 is 15% extra. Ads 1/4 page or larger may also be reserved for 10% extra (with preference given to full pages). All other ads are R.O.P. (Run of Paper). Position charges are based on open rate. Scheduled front, inside front, inside rear and rear covers are subject to pre-emption by gate folds or wrap-arounds.
Co-op Advertising
Co-op advertising consists of programs established by manufacturers to encourage local retailers to advertise and sell their products or services. Many retailers are entitled to co-op funds, covering from 25% to 100% of their cost, when they advertise brand name merchandise in the Yorktown PennySaver.
Co-op plans vary depending upon the manufacturer. For additional information about co-op advertising, call the Yorktown PennySaver's Display Advertising Department at 914 962-3871.
Credit Policy
New accounts are accepted on a prepaid basis until credit is established. Credit may be established by filing a credit application and submitting to the necessary credit check. A finance charge will be applied to accounts which are more than thirty days past due and advertising will not be accepted until payment is made unless special credit arrangements have been made. Customers are welcome to charge their ads on either MasterCard, Visa or American Express. For regular accounts, payment is due as stated on bill. Rates are non-commissionable. Any fees incurred by sending an account to a collection agency will be the responsibility of the customer. All returned checks will be subject to a $25.00 Service Charge.
Authorization to Run
All ads must have a signed Advertising Agreement Authorization for the ad to run.
Credit for errors will only be given for space involved. The publisher shall not be liable for a failure to insert any advertisement beyond cost of actual space occupied. Should an ad be omitted, advertisers are entitled to a choice of a credit or to have the ad run in the next issue. No credits will be issued on ads more than one week old. For advertisements appearing over consecutive weeks, the publisher will not be held responsible for any errors beyond the first date of publication. We will not be responsible for any errors in a display ad taken over the telephone. If there is any question about an ad, please call the advertising department immediately.
Special Sections
Throughout the year the Yorktown PennySaver publishes timely special sections that showcase advertisers' products or services. Please consult your sales representative or the display advertising department to confirm dates and reserve space.
Inserts, Cards
Free-standing inserts and detached mail cards are now available.
For details, call (914) 962-3871, ext. 213.
Email/Digital Ads
The Yorktown PennySaver accepts ads in digital format. These ads can either be e-mailed or submitted on CDs, zip disks or floppy disks. Hard copy of the ad must be delivered with the disk or faxed directly to the Digital Ad Service at (914) 962-5123. Deadline for digital ads is Thursday, 5 pm. Please click here for more details or call your account rep at (914) 962-3871.
Hybrid Pandemic Distribution
Due to the negative impact of the pandemic on small business we have temporarily adjusted our distribution schedule to a variable model based on Advertiser demand. Pennysaver is still published weekly with reduced mailed circulation and a greater emphasis on digital and drop distribution. Ask your account rep for additional details.